Why Choose Excellence International Schools

Why Choose Excellence International Schools

Our school offer:

  • a safe, supportive stimulating learning environment;
  • a team of respectful, tolerant, open minded citizens;
  • a community where everyone aspires to be the very best they can be;
  • a community of resilient lifelong learners;
  • a center of excellence where all achieve success.

We also offer opportunities for children to learn in different ways that may involve the use of varied seating arrangements. The learning styles used include:

  • Independent work;
  • Paired work;
  • Group work;
  • Whole-class work;
  • Investigation and problem solving;

Why Choose Us

Pupils work in a healthy and safe environment to:

  • Ensure that all tasks that the children undertake are safe and identify risks in the plans.
  • Educational visits are seen as an important way of enhancing the curriculum, but prior to any visit we consult the Head teacher and complete a risk assessment form.
  • Risk assessments are shared with both participating staff and pupils.

Our boarding house is HOME AWAY FROM HOME as the learners are exposed to different life long skills.