Clubs & Societies

Clubs & Societies

Clubs in schools are an essential part of the school's curriculum. It is designed to take learning outside the core curricular environment to an environment where learners can through activities harness their talents, build lifelong skills, their careers and support each other.

 Importance of Clubs & Societies

  • Helps pupils/ students to build lifelong skills which may include writing, speaking, problem solving and critical thinking skills.
  • helps with effective communication between the learners and the club coordinators as guidance can effectively be done by the facilitators
  • Leadership skills in students are built in clubs as sometimes during activities they take up leadership roles
  • Helps with TEAM WORK. Learners during club activities begin to work in groups and as a team to achieve their goals. This skill is a lifelong skill which help to build empathy and selflessness in learners
  • Helps with Networking. Influential personalities may be invited to be part of the club programs and this opportunity may really count in the life of a learner and a school
  • Clubs also provide opportunity for good grooming as attitudes and good values can be gotten from being members of a club

Types of Clubs in a School

1. Selective Clubs:

These are clubs where the participants PAY a token to be part of it as their activities may involved practical activities that is fund demanding. Examples include:

  • Home makers club
  • Charity club
  • Creative Art and design club
  • Science and inventors club

2. General Clubs:

  • Press club
  • Dance and drama club
  • Entrepreneurship club
  • Speech and debate club
  • Man O war/ Girls guild / Girls guide club
  • ICT Club
  • Press club
  • JETS Club
  • Health and safety club
  • Political awareness club
  • Young farmers club
  • Cultural club

How Learners Choose Clubs

  • Schools allow learners to choose clubs based on their interest and also their career path
  • Learners will be given opportunity to be in a club for a year after which they may change if they so desire. This will give them opportunity to expose themselves to more clubs hence more avenue to choose or sharpen their careers.
  • Forms will given to learners to choose clubs as they are advised to go for the choice that suits their career path and abilities.
  • At every resumption for a new academic year, learners will be given a general orientation on the assembly by the club coordinators, this will be done to reorient the students of the importance of their choice and clubs and also to help those who may want to change their clubs to do so and choose appropriately.
  • Students captains would be chosen for clubs and also attendance taken. The coordinator would choose students weekly to take turns to write a summary report of the activities of the club each week. This will help build their report writing skills
  • The coordinators would submit at the beginning of each term activities they intend to share with the learners on weekly bases. This will be vetted by the school and approved where necessary.
  • Club activities are effective when proper MONITORING AND SUPERVISION is in place.
  • There would be club day once in a year where parents and other stake holders would be invited to see what each club has to showcase.

Timing for Clubs

There is no fixed time for clubs hence schools will be dynamic to meet the need of learners in the light of their curriculum

Club Coordinators

For club effectiveness, coordinators should have a back ground or have knowledge about the club they are handling, this will make it more of a FUN place to be and help learning take place.