Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Senior Secondary School Curriculum

The classes in the Senior Secondary School section are SS 1 to 3.

Club and Society

Compulsory Cross Cutting Core Subjects

  1. English Language
  2. General Mathematics
  3. One trade Entrepreneurship Studies
  4. Computer studies/ICT
  5. Civic Education

All students irrespective of their field of study are to take the above listed compulsory cross-cutting core subjects. Now based on courses of interest in the higher schools, Secondary School Subjects in Nigeria can be grouped as follows:

Physical Sciences

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Statistics

Social Sciences

  • Economics
  • Government
  • Geography
  • Commerce
  • Marketing


  • Nigerian Languages
  • Foreign/International Languages

Basic Sciences

  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Biology


  • Christian Religious Studies
  • Islamic Religious Studies


  • Literature-In-English
  • History
  • Languages