Assessment Policy

Assessment Policy

Excellence International Schools recognizes that teaching, learning and assessment of the learners are fundamentally interdependent. Learning outcomes, which include knowledge and understanding of a subject as well as cognitive, personal and academic skills, should be explicitly stated for each unit of work/assignment/course, and these should be the pivot around which the whole scheme is developed.

At Excellence International Schools, we believe that assessment

  • Monitors the progress of student learning and achievement;
  • Produces coherent feedback for students, parents and external institutions; and
  • Informs curriculum and assessment review.

At Excellence International Schools, we recognize that students

  • Have differing learning styles;
  • Have different cultural experiences, expectations and needs;
  • Perform differently according to the context of learning;
  • Need to know their achievements and areas for improvement in the learning process;
  • Should receive feedback that is positive and constructive.

Assessment Policy

Types of Assessment

1. Formative Assessment:

This includes the use of

  • Oral feed back
  • Class work
  • Home work
  • Assignments
  • Weekly/ daily test
  • Projects
  • Group work

2. Summative Assessment:

  • Midterm test
  • End of term examination
  • Promotional examination

At Excellence International Schools we recognize and expect that both method of assessment should be used during the teaching learning process.